Roleplaying roundup

Some interesting topics and ideas for people who run roleplaying games (and/or build them). I saved this as a draft three years ago; no idea why I never published it. Probably thought I needed to say something complex and profound, when really the point should’ve been to point people to these articles, which can then speak for themselves.

Ghoulish behavior: An adventure seed

Ghoulish Behaviour

The setting is Middle-Earth, but the idea could translate into many other settings and systems.

The Rolemaster Blog has a lot of great stuff like this — plus a lot of discussion and various types of content ranging around the excellent Rolemaster roleplaying system.

Occult magic — real magick? — in RPGs

A look at what magic could and should look like in a setting where magic is an occult art.

The costs of roleplaying

Not cost in terms of money, but cost in terms of the time and mental resources expended in running the game. This is different for gamemaster/dungeonmaster and for players. Cost can be a rewarding investment or draining, depending on whether it leads to getting more of what you want out of a game or simply to more work.

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